William Rednall
Middle Name
Date of Birth

School Years:
Date of Death:
1928 - 33
He was born in Catford and moved with his parents to Corder Road Ipswich in 1921. He married Euphemia Milner in1941
School Record
He played Cricket and Hockey.
Branch of Service:
Army Royal Artillery
Service Number:
Service Record
Campaign Medals
Post War Career
He served with the 58th Medium Regiment Royal Artillery and was one of the last soldiers to return from Dunkirk. The Regiment was based in Suffolk and saw action in Belgium before retreating to Menin, close to Ypres and then to Dunkirk. All its guns and equipment were left behind. On its return, the Regiment was based at Bovington in Dorset and then Christchurch. In 1942, it embarked for Algiers and fought with the 1st and 8th Armies in North Africa before engaging in the fierce fighting at Cassino in Italy. It then carried on to France and Germany.
He initially worked for Employers Liability Insurance Company and, in 1948 took up the position of Accident Superintendent with the Alliance Assurance Company in Oxford where he remained for 28 years, returning to Suffolk in 1976 where he settled in Southwold.
Burial Information
Additional Information
One of his cousins, on hearing that he was one of the last to leave Dunkirk, remarked:- "That figures. Ken would be saying "No.no, after you" to all his comrades queuing for the Boats with him - always a gentleman to the fingertips"
Obituary in O.I. Journal Issue 4 2013 at page 39.
Born on 17/2/1917 and died on 18/12/2012.
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