Middle Name
Date of Birth

School Years:
Date of Death:
1919 - 29
Married Silvia and they had two sons, William and Geoffrey who were both at the School
School Record
Captain 1st XV and Hockey XI. Vice Captain Cricket XI. He represented the School at Fives and Athletics. He was also a School Prefect. He then proceeded to St. Johns College Cambridge. He attained a half Blue at Shooting.
Branch of Service:
Army Royal Artillery
Service Number:
Service Record
Campaign Medals
Post War Career
He served with the 72nd Anti-Tank Regiment,6th Armoured Division with the 1st Army in Tunisia, followed by the Italian campaign, including the break through at Cassino and finally in Austria.
George Notcutt enjoyed a distinguished career in teaching at the School. He started in 1938 as Master in Charge of Physical Education and, following his service in the War, he returned to the School in January 1945. As the choice of activities widened for pupils, he played a prominent part in all areas.He organised 25 skiing parties to the Alps in the Winter Holidays. He was appointed 2nd Master in 1960. He retired in 1969 and donations for him were over £2,200. It was typical of the man that he was more than happy for this to be used for the provision of a Squash Court at the School.
He was very active in O.I. activities after his retirement, having been on the O.I. Committee since 1946. He edited the O.I. Magazine from 1968 and was President in 1977.
Ten years a pupil, over thirty one a Master and on the O.I. Committee for over thirty years, he established a record for service to the School and the Club, a record which is surely unbeatable,
Burial Information
Additional Information
O.I. M. No 24 of 1976 introduces him as President of the O.I. Club for 1977 at page 61.
Obituary in O.I.M. No 27 of 1979 at page 95 with individual tributes at pages 96 to 102.
More information about his regiment will be found in "the History of 72nd Anti-Tank Regiment Royal Artillery 1940/46" by J. W. Moore published in 1946 (LBY 78/1123)
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