Laurence Dare
Middle Name
Date of Birth

School Years:
Date of Death:
1931 - 35

Father Rev. L. B. C. Newell of Claydon Rectory.
His son David Robin Dare was at the School from 1949 - 60 and became a Major in the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, retiring in 1978.
School Record
Prefect, Captain of Football 1934 and captain of Hockey 1935.
Branch of Service:
Army S.O.E.
Service Number:
Service Record
MBE and Campaign Medals
Post War Career
He was commissioned in the Royal Armoured Corps at the outbreak of war and then transferred to the Special Operations Executive. He served initially in the Middle East an was then parachuted into Albania where he worked with the Partisans. He then moved to the Far East and was dropped into Malaya where he trained anti-Japanese guerilla leaders. Immediately after the war, he was with No.10 War Crimes Investigation Unit in Siam. He was then posted to Germany where he joined the Control Commission and worked under cover.
In 1950, he returned to more conventional army duties and was posted to Malaya as a staff captain with the Suffolk Regiment. This was too tame a job for him and he persuaded his superiors to make use of his invaluable wartime know-how of guerilla fighting and to transfer him to the command of D Squadron 22 SAS squadron in Malaya during the post war emergency, where he was mentioned in despatches. Thereafter, his career was entirely devoted to the SAS Regiment. He became its selection and training officer after he returned to the UK in 1954. His anticipation in the 1950s and 1960s of possible Embassy sieges, airline hijacks and other now familiar forms of terrorism contributed significantly to the Regiment's preparedness for such emergencies. He was affectionately known throughout the Regiment as "Mr SAS and was D Squadron CO and Adjutant of the SAS Group. He was awarded the OBE in 1973. After his retirement, he continued his close association with the Regiment through its Regimental Association of which he was Secretary from 1955 until his death..
Burial Information
Additional Information
Obituary OIM No.37 of 1989 at page 150.
Article in "60 Years Ago" Edition of OIJ September 2004 by his sister Dorothy Kellogg.
Other Pictures

The SOE Emblem in WW2

In Albania in 1943. Captain Newell is arrowed No.2