Middle Name
Date of Birth

School Years:
Date of Death:
1933 - 42

Son of B. E. Hewitt of Ipswich.
School Record
Branch of Service:
Service Number:
Service Record
Legion D'Honneur and Campaign Medals
Post War Career
Volunteered in 1942, aged 19. 2 weeks after D-Day, he served on an L.C.T. Landing Craft ferrying tanks over the Channel and service personnel and equipment back to England. One of the pieces of equipment which he specifically remembered bringing back was a torpedo shaped object with the words "V2" painted on it. He was subsequently awarded the Legion D'Honneur.
Employed by British Sugar having read Agriculture at Reading University
Burial Information
Additional Information
He was awarded the Legion D'Honneur by the French Government in 2016 to honour and thank him for for having fought and risked his life in securing the liberation of France. The award was presented by General Lord Richard and Lady Pippa Dannatt at their home in Keswick Norwich. Lord and Lady Dannatt are the representatives of the Queen in Norfolk.
David Hewitt was a modest man and made it clear, as he received the award that it was in remembrance for and on behalf of his best friend (an O.I.) Philip Pells who was killed in his tank at the Battle of Caens.
Other Pictures

Landing Ship Tank (LST) class 3

Character reference on demobilisation

With family following the award of the Legion D'Honneur.