Middle Name
Date of Birth

School Years:
Date of Death:
1923 - 28

Father: Thomas Saul Fenn born 1883
Mother: Nellie Caroline Fenn /(nee Garnham) born 1886
Married Mollie Gwendoline Clark born 1919 at St. Margaret's Church Ipswich
Son: Michael born 27th April 1941(O.I.)
School Record
A member of Broke House. Awarded Book prizes for History Maths Science and Latin (Form 11A) in 1925. A member of the Officer Training Corps in 1928.
Branch of Service:
Service Number:
Service Record
Campaign Medals
Post War Career
George Fenn joined the RAF Vountary Reserves in June 1939 and was called up shortly after the outbreak of war. He served with 335 Wing Satellite Sector at Felixstowe, Martlesham and then Croydon. Prior to his call-up, he was circulation manager of the East Anglian Daily Times and Evening Star and, in a letter to B. R. Wilson of that pulication, George records his daily routine at Martlesham as follows:-"Most have been issued with rifles and ammunition and we have to parade on the Square at 3.00am and 9.00pm daily, subsequently moving off to our respective centres (viz. fire fighting, gas decontamination, sharp shooting, first aid etc.), where we have to remain for a imnimum of one hour. I am a member of the gas decontamination squads and thus have the doubtful pleasure of changing into anti-gas clothes each parade. Any spare time lately has been occupied with such pursuits as sandbag filling and wire laying. If Hitler does try and take the aerodrome - as seems to be feared - we not only promise his parachutists a warm reception, but, what's more, will see they b..... get it".
In June 1943 he sailed to Sicily and disembarked at Augusta on 19th July 1943, nine days after the start of the invasion of Sicily.On 25th May 1944 he was a passenger on a Marauder aircraft serial number MB515 which took off from Maison Blanche airfield Algeria en route to Catania. At an estimated 10.50 hours, the aircraft flew into the side of a hill where it disintegrated and caught fire. The crashed aircraft was found burnt out on 28th May, 10kms north of Takelea Cap Bon Tunisia. The bodies of the 4 crew members and 2 passengers were found nearby and George's body was identified by personal papers
Burial Information
Massicault Military Cemetery Bizerta Tunisia Grave reference V1.N.4
Additional Information
The East Anglian Daily Times reported his marriage to Mollie on 29th April 1940 and noted that:-" George was a popular hon. secretary of the tennis section of the firm's sports club. As a keen sportsman, he was also a member of the Y. M. C. A. Badminton Club and Social Secretary of the Old Grammarians Football Club".
His wife, Mollie and their son were living at the Red Lion Woodbridge Suffolk and the telegram had initially been wrongly addressed to her at 35 Edwin Avenue Woodbridge and she hoped that it was not her husband who had been killed. A letter followed and read:-"Deeply regret to inform you that your husband No. 752086 Corporal Fenn G. is reported to have lost his life as a result of an aircraft accident on 25th May. The Air Council express their profound sympathy". A memorial Service was held for George at St. Margaret's Church Ipswich on 9th June 1944. with the Rev. T. Batterby cconducting the service.
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