Middle Name
Date of Birth

School Years:
Date of Death:
1935 - 38

Son of Clifford and Hilda (nee Scotcher) Bickerdike of 58 Sherrington Road Ipswich.Older brother Denys also served in WW2.
School Record
Member of 1937 unbeaten Rugby XV.
Branch of Service:
Service Number:
Service Record
Squadron Leader
DFC and Campaign Medals
Post War Career
After training, he joined No. 462 Squadron which was nominally Australian, although largely staffed by Canadian and British personnel.The Squadron flew Handley Page Halifax B Mk.11 heavy bombers from Egypt and Libya, raiding occupied Northern Europe and Italy.He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for gallantry and devotion to duty in the execution of air operations.
He then returned to England and was based at RAF Elvington with 77 Squadron, flying Halifax Bombers. On 20th December 1943, he took off in Halifax V, serial no. LL125, code KN-K at 1630hrs. The aircraft flew to Frankfurt and bombs were successfully dropped. On returning to England the crew did not notice the approach of an Me-110 being flown by Oberlieutenant Wilhelm Henseler of 4/NJg1. The starboard engine was hit and caught fire. Herbert told the crew that he would have to dive to try to put out the fire. When this manoeuvre failed, he gave the order to abandon. The plane crashed in flames near Old Vivier between Fronville and Melreax, Namur. Herbert was killed together with Robert William Pendergrest (navigator), Ronald Frederick Walter (wireless operator/air gunner), William Atkinson Cockburn (air gunner), and Gordon Leonard Hills (air gunner). Frank Galsworthy Shaw survived and was captured near Dinant and sent to Stalag Luft 1 in Barth. He was released in May 1945. Terence Frank Bolter also survived, having parachuted from the aircraft. He fortunately spoke French and was able to obtain help from from Belgium patriots. He joined the escape chain of the Comet Line through Belgium, France Spain and Gibraltar. He flew back to England on 24th June 1944.
Burial Information
Joint Grave V.E.4-5 Hotton War Cemetery Luxembourg Belgium.
Additional Information
Gazette notice for DFC on 19th January 1943.
Other Pictures

77 Squadron at Elvington in 1943.

Crew and maintenance staff of Lancaster from 77 Squadron at Elvington.

77 Squadron insignia.